A Backgammon History Guide

If you're a backgammon fan, you probably have questions about your favorite game. How was it developed? Who made the most important contributions to the game? How did backgammon develop? Several backgammon books that shed light on backgammon history are mentioned below.

In the 1920's and 1930's, the backgammon doubling cube was introduced in America. Among the backgammon books of the era which give players a fascinating look at backgammon history are “The New Backgammon” by Elizabeth Clark Boyden and “Modern Backgammon” by Gosnevor Nicholas. The most commonly found book which was reprinted in the 1970's due to popular demand was Georges Mabardi's “Vanity Fair's Backgammon to Win.”

In the 1960's and 1970's, a number of books were published containing interesting snippets of information on backgammon history. Deyoung's “The Playboy Book of Backgammon” contains entertaining anecdotes of the game's introduction to the U.S., along with descriptions on the first backgammon tournaments. Magriel's classic “Backgammon” was also published during this time and is still viewed as one of the most authoritative books on the subject today.

In the following decades, books have concentrated more on strategy than on backgammon history. However, you can still find information on the game's roots in books by Kleinman, Robertie and Woolsey.


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