Backgammon Starting Options

The start of any game can be very crucial, and possibly dispositive, to the outcome of the game. Therefore it is very important to look at all of the possible Backgammon starting options. Gaming software has been developed that allows a program to calculate the probability of any opening move. A player can make similar calculations to match the players particular style of play. For example if a player is aggressive it may be best for the opponent to try to slow the game down by playing more defensively and taking away the speed of the other player, or vice versa.

Also, once a player has learned the basic Backgammon starting option they may wish to experiment with other starting options. For example the variation of Acey-Duecy begins game play with a blank board. Another variation of the basic Backgammon starting position is Long-Gammon. This is another great starting position that can help a player learn new strategies when playing the basic version. By learning new ways of starting a player can find , and repair, weaknesses in the game play.

Another Backgammon starting option when wanting a new game to liven things up a bit is that of Nackgammon. Some consider Nackgammon a more difficult version of the game and by playing it can add to the efficiency of a Backgammon player. Hypergammon is another Backgammon starting option if a player wants a fast paced game.

Whatever way a player chooses to play, a good opening strategy is essential. By learning new ways to play the beloved game of Backgammon can improve a players skills and provide a little spice.


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