Backgammon Tactic using Backgammon Equity

Backgammon equity is a very useful concept in formulating the correct backgammon tactic. To calculate the backgammon equity you assign probabilities to various possible outcomes and multiply that by what you would win or lose. Then you add up the numbers to get your backgammon equity. Assume you are playing for 1 point at $1 per point. If you chances of winning with a gammon are 20%, your chances of winning a single backgammon game are 60% and that of losing a single backgammon game are 20% your backgammon equity is $0.8.

Backgammon equity provides the correct backgammon tactic in the context of when to use the backgammon doubling cube. If your backgammon equity is $0.1, and you use the backgammon doubling cube your opponent will accept the double because he is at a marginal disadvantage only. Your expect winning goes up to $0.2 but you are handing over the backgammon doubling cube to your opponent, giving him an advantage. It would be unwise to double in this situation.

Suppose your backgammon equity is $0.8. If you now use the doubling cube your opponent is likely to decline the double and give you $1. In case he accepts the double your expected winnings go up to $1.6. Hence the correct backgammon tactic in this situation is to use the backgammon doubling cube.

If in the backgammon game you see the possibilities of winning by a gammon or backgammon your backgammon equity can be very high, say $1.4. If you use the backgammon doubling cube, it will be declined and you will win $1. But if you do not use the backgammon doubling cube then you expect to win $1.4. Hence sometimes if you are in a very good position the correct backgammon tactic is not to double.


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