Basic Backgammon Strategy with the Doubling Cube

Backgammon is a game of skill and it is important at all times to execute the proper backgammon strategy in order to win. However in backgammon last roll positions the situation is critical because the game can be decided on that roll. The backgammon doubling cube is an important tool and should be used correctly to drive home the advantage.

In backgammon last roll positions both players are close to bearing off their checkers. If it is your turn and you think that you have a good chance of bearing off your checkers then using the backgammon doubling cube is good backgammon strategy. However you should avoid using the backgammon doubling cube if there are gammon chances. Since your chances of winning are bright why play at single stakes. Use the backgammon doubling cube to double the stakes and accumulate double the points. As the old saying goes "make hay while the sun shines".

You are not the only player who can use the backgammon doubling cube. Your opponent can also use it. If in a backgammon last roll situation your opponent has doubled then you have to use backgammon strategy to decide if you should accept the double. You have three possible outcomes. If you accept the double and win you get twice the points currently at stake. If you accept the double and lose you lose twice the points currently at stake. If you do not accept the double you lose the points currently at stake. In this situation the correct backgammon strategy is to accept the double if you have over 25% chance of winning.

These are some of the basics of backgammon strategy using the backgammon doubling cube.


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