How Blackjack 21 Got Its Name

Blackjack 21 is one of the most popular gambling card games around and is played all over the world. However, the game was not always known by its current name. When the game first came about it was simply known as 21. It is quite an interesting story how the name for the game came to be Blackjack 21.

Of course, it is quite clear how the game came to be called 21, as the object to the game is to acquire a hand that is as close as possible to 21 without going over 21. However, it isn’t so clear where the name blackjack came from.

When the game of 21 was first introduced to the United States gambling circuit it was not popular at all when compared to other gambling card games. Casinos strived to draw players to the game by adding additional rules and bonuses that would make the game more favorable to gamblers. One of these rules was that is a player’s hand was made up of an ace of spades and a black jack then they would receive a 10-to-1 payout. Thus, the game grew in popularity and became known as blackjack 21.

The 10-to-1 payout on this hand was abolished, but the name blackjack 21 has stuck to this day and casinos and blackjack players all over the world have continued to call the game by this name.


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