Choosing checkers for your backgammon board game.

The backgammon board game requires 15 checkers each of different colors. They usually come in black and white, red and white, (one dark, one light) The main criteria for picking a set of backgammon checkers are that they should be smooth and large for smooth gliding on the board. While backgammon online gaming is as much fun, it lacks the physical feel of the checkers.

Choosing the checkers or blots as commonly known is the first part of the custom made boards. The other cheaper versions of the backgammon board game come with different material of checkers. Some are wooden, better still are stones like onyx which have a smooth, cool, shiny finish. Other materials are marble, bakelite (durable plastic like material) that gives the pieces a heft make playing fun.

A lot depends on how dedicated you are in the game and on what level do you play. For expert players, who do not mind paying $ 800 - $ 1200 on a handcrafted, custom made board. Backgammon online gaming also has a multitude of colorful checkers to choose from. You have to see while choosing the backgammon checkers as to what is your budget and if you are a professional then, it will depend on the color you intend to use for the board.

There are a few good handcrafted backgammon board game makers like Bob Palmley (UK),Tak Morioka (US), BOB Zavoral and Carol Cole and many others who have been doing these for more than a decade. The backgammon checkers or blots are used on the points marked as triangles on the backgammon board.

While setting up the backgammon board, the placing of checkers form a mirror image on both the inner side and outer board. Both the colors of the checkers and the backgammon board game should basically complement each other, whatever board you are buying.


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