Common Online Backgammon Etiquette No-No's

Online backgammon etiquette is something that needs to be learned by new players. Not everyone is aware of what is and what is not acceptable when playing backgammon online. Since this type of backgammon is played online, many of the online backgammon etiquette faux-pas happen because of the nature of the internet. For example, some players simply drop their game without finishing. Backgammon etiquette states that this should never be done without a concise explanation to the opponent.

Another common error in online backgammon etiquette is complaining, via the chat feature, about the number of doubles rolled by the opponent. Since backgammon online is played using specific software, the opponent obviously has no control over the number of doubles rolled in the first place.

Finally, when we consider online backgammon etiquette, we see that some players feel that because of the anonymity of the internet, that they don't need to be polite. There is nothing wrong with wishing a player good luck at the beginning of the game or congratulating a victory at the end. This is called basic manners and should be practiced online or off.


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