Explaining the Backgammon Doubling Cube

The backgammon doubling cube adds an interesting twist to the classic game. It is used when there are backgammon stakes involved - ie. usually when playing for money. A new backgammon player may find the backgammon doubling cube slightly confusing, although it is quite a simple concept.

Essentially, the backgammon doubling cube is used for one backgammon player to double the stakes of the game that is being played. In the first stage of the game, both players can offer to double. If the opponent accepts, then the backgammon stakes are doubled and the 'ownership' of the doubling cube moves to the opponent who accepted. He or she can then determine when to offer a double again. This is called redoubling.

Of course, an opponent always has the choice of not accepting the offer of a double. When this happens, the game is over and the opponent forfeits all his or her stakes in the game. However, when the opponent accepts, the backgammon doubling cube is changed to reflect the stakes (ie. from 2 to 4 or otherwise).


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