Looking for Backgammon Information.
The amount of backgammon information available on the internet is superb. From backgammon reviews to free gaming software everything is available. Backgammon is basically the checkers and dice game played since the Mesopotamian times. The gaming world virtually existing, backgammon has conquered the prime positioning.
Backgammon information available is immense. You might want to know the best site to play on or the best book to read, its all yours with the click of the mouse! All possible backgammon information on books can be known from the feedback of different players. Critics reviews can be nasty sometimes but they do show the real content whether it is worth reading or not.
There are many sites available that encourage players and writers who enjoy backgammon gaming to write on the best tips and tactics that can be of help to a newbie. Various Backgammon gaming sites have good tutorials on topics like optional rules, bearing off, doubling cube etc.
Books have always been a source of backgammon information since the early 18th century. The first book on backgammon was in 1743 by Edmund Hoyle. Ever since then there has been a flood of books on Backgammon gaming and techniques.
Information on free software gaming may be in the form of tutorials, articles, notes, books, reviews, comments of players, emails and feedback on different aspects of backgammon gaming. The internet has brought all the information within easy reach.