Making the Most of Backgammon Books

Unlike many casino or gambling type games that depend largely on luck, backgammon is a game of skill that requires players to learn backgammon tips so that they can improve their game. One of the best ways to do this is to read as many backgammon books as you can get your hands on.

When players ask for recommended backgammon books, they are usually given a list of works written by top people in the backgammon world such as Paul Magriel. A common mistake made by readers, is the fact that they feel that they need to learn how to play the way an advanced backgammon player would, by the time they've completed the book. The fact is that only experience will help improve your game. The information that you pick up in these books is meant to get your brain ticking. Any backgammon tips that you pick up from these backgammon books are advantageous in the long run.

Backgammon books are meant to direct players into a new way of thinking. There, players can read why a particular advanced backgammon player considers that X is a better move than Y. That is not to say that the readers should agree with what the author is saying, but it can shed some light on why players are not advancing as well as they should in backgammon.


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