Understanding Perudo Online Bids

Perudo is known mostly as a game of bluffing and bidding. The art of bluffing and bidding well in Perudo – especially online Perudo – is a skill that is acquired with practice over time. However, even new players will do better at Perudo online bids if they know the basic rules behind Perudo bidding.

Perudo online bids are known by specific names in the game. Going from strongest to weakest, Perudo online bids are known as follows: Five of a kind, four of a kind, full house, three of a kind, two pairs, a pair singleton. Players should examine different variations of these bids and look at examples to make sure that they understand the concept. For example, a ‘pair’ would be 99QJT.

There are also certain nicknames to become familiar with when dealing with Perudo online bids. An example would be ‘the Blues’, when the player automatically changes the previous call to an ace call. The Blues is a popular bid in tournament games but can also be found online. Look out also for bids such as Teknarav, Dogspangle and Aced.


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