Rules for Learning How to Play Omaha Poker

Learning how to play Omaha poker is easy for players already familiar with the rules for Texas Hold'em. There are simply a few subtle differences that relate to an Omaha poker game. The first major deviation from Texas Hold'em is that the dealer awards each player with four hole cards in the beginning of the game rather than two.

The second difference is how the winning Omaha poker hand is made. Five cards are used just as in Texas Hold'em, however these must consist of two hole cards and three community cards. Remembering the “two in the hand, three on the board” rule is crucial when you're learning how to play Omaha poker.

Once you've mastered these simple changes, playing an Omaha poker game is very much like Texas Hold'em. The same stages of the game exist: pre-flop, flop, the turn, the river and final showdown. After each stage a betting round takes place. When you're learning how to play Omaha poker, you need to know how to call, raise, check or fold depending on your likelihood of winning the game.

Finally, poker strategy needs to be learned when you're studying how to play Omaha poker. Common strategies such as calculating pot odds and the number of outs are just as important in an Omaha poker game. However, game specific strategy also requires a player to play a strong starting hand while working to place the maximum wager in the pot during each betting round.


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