Possible resolutions to the illegal play rule

In the Chouette game, the illegal play rule stipulates that any Chouette player can call when they have spotted an illegal move. The move must then be corrected and the Chouette game can continue. This can seem complicated when the next player has already rolled their dice and the illegal move has been announced a little too late. However, do not despair; there are four possible scenarios that can be used here. It is just a matter of making sure the option used is stipulated before the Chouette game using the illegal play rule begins.

The most obvious option is that as the dice has been rolled, both moves must stand, including the illegal move. However, this allows for people to purposely make illegal moves and hope theyre not noticed before the dice is rolled and so not considered the most fair. Another option is to make the Chouette player with the illegal move change their move, and then have the next roll stand. This makes sure that the essence of the illegal play rule is carried out. However, it may put the next player at a disadvantage, depending upon what the corrected move entails.

A third option is to have the illegal move corrected and then have the next player roll again. This makes sure that the Chouette game is corrected, but again the person that has prematurely rolled may be put at a disadvantage depending upon what correction of the illegal roll entails. Possibly the most fair resolution using the illegal play rule is to have the illegal remove corrected and then to give the option of a re-roll to the Chouette player that rolled prematurely.


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