The advantages of playing online backgammon

Like all competitive games and sports the aim is to win. In all such games there are those who desire to win at any and all costs – including through cheating. Backgammon players are well-experienced in facing opponents who use less than legitimate means by which to succeed. Online backgammon, however, is one place backgammon cheating does not, thanks to the format and technology, take place.

Unlike regular backgammon, online backgammon does not allow backgammon players the opportunity to manipulate the game. For example, rolling the dice in online backgammon results in a completely random outcome that cannot be altered by the player. Alternatively, changing or influencing the outcome of a dice roll in regular backgammon is common practice by many players.

Secondly, playing backgammon online means that you no longer have to worry about your opponent making the wrong moves (whether this is deliberate or not). In fact, online backgammon ensures that players only make the moves available to them and nothing less. When playing regular backgammon, mistakes often go unnoticed and result in changes to the outcome of the game.

Finally, online backgammon doesn’t allow for any misplacement of the doubling cube. Backgammon players often claim innocence to this offence indicating that the move was taken in a prior game.

Playing online means that the game cannot be changed and manipulated to favor one player over the other.


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