The average cost of a backgammon board

The price of a backgammon board can range in costs from a few dozen dollars to a major investment of up to one thousand dollars (and more if it is gold trimmed). A backgammon board can be as simple as possible and made from very cheap materials, or it can be made from expensive elements and designed to fit personal taste. It follows that the backgammon equipment market includes the entire range of options that a player may require.

Therefore, there players can be assured there exists a backgammon board that will suit both budget and taste. For those avid players of the game, who have some extra cash in their back pocket, there are several well known manufacturers of unique, personalize and hand-crafted boards. In the backgammon equipment market there are a handful or well known names that produce such boards with the appropriate price tag attached. Alternatively, for a less pricey but quality backgammon board, there are dozens that offer standard competition size boards of a variety of makes and models.

The cost of the board is derived, like most thing, through the cost of the materials as well as the manufacturer. For those players intending to purchase personalized playing boards, expect a large proportion of the cost to go towards the label attached to the board. For this reason it is recommended to use less well known manufactures whose boards reflect equal quality in craftsmanship.

At the end of the day, the reality is that the quality of the equipment does not effect the outcome of the game.


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