The source of the word backgammon

Backgammon is an interesting sounding word and is taken for granted as a word that exists in our English vocabulary today. However, many have been curious as to where it actually came from. There are a few theories as to the origin of the word.

It is interesting to analyze where the “gammon” part of the word backgammon came from. There is a place in New Jersey called Gammontown. The source of the word is not actually English, but apparently translates as “left behind” due to the fact that many new arrivals to America were placed in this poor area and were never able to make it out of this place. They were literally and figuratively speaking gammoned.

Another theory behind the “gammo” in the word backgammon is that it sources from the actual word “game”. After all, this is logical since backgammon is actually an entertaining game.

An alternative explanation for a source of the word backgammon is that it originated from the word Babakan. There are those that claim that Ard-Shir Babakan, son of Babak of the Sasanian dynasty of Iran-Zamin or the ancient Persian Empire, invented the game and therefore, perhaps it was named after this chap. Sometimes words in the English language originate from a similar sounding word in a foreign language.

Finally, just to get you thinking, here’s another theory for meaning behind the word backgammon. This was found in the book “How to Play the New Backgammon” by Leila Hattersley. She claimed that some believe that backgammon comes from the Welsh word for “little” which is bach combined with the word for “battle” which is cammun. According to backgammon history, due to the Roman invasion the Welsh became keen backgammon players.


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