Tips for Backgammon Pip Counting
While backgammon pip counting is a very important strategy when determining the outcome of the game, some players find that absolute pip counting is too difficult and thus stick to relative counting. Here are some helping backgammon tips to help you gain an advantage over your backgammon opponent with absolute pip counting.
One effective method that a player can use in backgammon pip counting is to memorize a number of simple patterns that come up regularly in their games. Players can write down the patterns and learn them at their leisure. Another backgammon tip is to memorize multiples of 13 from the midpoint. This goes a long way in helping to win with backgammon pip counting.
Of course, the best way to apply backgammon pip counting is by practicing, practicing and practicing some more! One way to get in some valuable training time is by joining a club and practicing against your backgammon opponent. Apply all that you have learned about this oft-misunderstood, though very effective strategy and watch how your game results improve!