Understanding Backgammon History

When it comes to understanding the history of backgammon, one will find that there is a wealth of information available in many different books and internet sites. One of the best ways to understand backgammon history is to find a few books written throughout a variety of periods. This will allow the reader to gain an understanding of the changes that occurred in the game and the varying approaches that were taken to playing the game throughout the eras.

There are backgammon books available from as way back as the eighteenth century. You can find a few by searching for Edmund Hoyle’s earlier works. These books explain the rules of the game, as well as offering much more information than that. They are also very informative regarding the backgammon game as it existed during that time, thus enlightening the reader with some backgammon history.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, backgammon began to be a popular game throughout America. The doubling cube was included as part of the game and there are quite a few books available from this time period. The books are brightly decorated and describe a very exciting era for the backgammon game. “The New Backgammon” by Elizabeth Clarke Boyden, is a great read on this particular time period in backgammon history.

There are quite a few books available regarding backgammon in the nineteen-sixties and seventies. “The Playboy Book of Backgammon” by Deyoung offers detailed descriptions of the style of backgammon that was played then, as well as playing technique at tournaments. Just to name a few more, there is “The Backgammon Book” by Jacoby/ Crawford, “Backgammon: The Cruelest Game” by Cooke and “Championship Backgammon” by Cooke/Orleans.

Backgammon history shows that the eighties and nineties were the years that the technical aspect of playing backgammon became much more developed. Due to the availability of useful computer applications for more thorough die rollout, a whole new approach has been taken to the game. These more mathematical tactics are well-explained in a number of books by authors such as Kleinman, Woolsey and Robertie.


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