Using standard backgammon equipment

All backgammon equipment needs to be of a high standard so that it can meet minimum game requirements and provide the best game possible. This means it needs to include a sturdy and durable backgammon board that does not allow too much slide or bounce. The backgammon equipment needs to include good quality chips that have a satisfying and playable size and weight.

However, with the variety of equipment available in terms of size and weight, to keep match play fair there needs to be some sort of uniformity. This is known as standard backgammon equipment. Firstly, precision dice are an essential piece of standard backgammon equipment as they help prevent cocking during the backgammon game. They are also weighted uniformly which enable the best possible roll at all times.

Standard backgammon equipment usually uses checkers between one and a half and 2 inches in diameter. These fit onto most boards and are comfortable to play with during the backgammon game. Lipped cups are also preferred as these prevent any players from manipulating the number rolled on their roll of the dice. The board surface used is also important. Wooden boards are not used in any tournament backgammon game as they are extremely noisy and have too much bounce which can affect the game play. The preferred standard backgammon board surfaces include cork, leather and felt.

Standard backgammon equipment is important as it ensures a fair game for all involved players. These are generalized examples, but other factors may come into play. Judges are within their rights to ban any backgammon equipment that does not meet their standards.


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